I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members IV. Approval of Agenda
Good News: FueluptoPlay60 – Kelli Tuttle
Citizen Input At this time, the Board of Directors invites individuals or delegations to come forward and speak on any issues related to school district operations that are not included on tonight's meeting agenda. Citizen input on action and discussion items will be accepted at the time of discussion of each agenda item.
Consent Action Items RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves consent action items letter “A” and “B”. A. Board Meeting Minutes from February 28, 2011, the Human Resources Report, and the Finance Report. B. Building Oversight Committee Membership RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the new members to serve a three year term that will end January 1, 2014, on the Building Oversight Committee.
Hearing A. Nodland Boiler / Chiller Project – Mel McKern Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 14th day of March, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose to approve the proposed plans, specifications, and estimated cost of $416,805 for the replacement of a boiler and chiller system at Nodland Elementary School. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named sale with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the proposed plans, specifications, and estimated cost of $416,805 for the replacement of a boiler and chiller system at Nodland Elementary School.
FY-2010 Audit – Gordon Winterlin RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the FY-2010 Audit.
Title I Technology Purchases – Neil Schroeder RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the purchase of technology equipment using remaining Title I stimulus funds.
Roof Repairs, Maintenance, and Replacement Project – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolution to set a public hearing date and publish notice accordingly. A public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. CST at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 28th day of March, 2011. Plans and specs may be seen at the Purchasing Manager’s office located at the same address.
Asphalt Maintenance and Repair Project – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolution to set a public hearing date and publish notice accordingly. A public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. CST at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 28th day of March, 2011. Plans and specs may be seen at the Purchasing Manager’s office located at the same address.
Rebecca Street Reconstruction Project – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors award low bid amount of $345,942.80 to Concrete Specialty for the Rebecca Street reconstruction project.
First Reading of Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman 501.10 Truancy-Unexcused Absences 504.10 Student Injury and Illness at School AR504.10 Student Injury and Illness at School AR504.13 Head Lice 505.8 Fund Raising 505.12 Fees and Fee Waivers for Traffic Education AR505.13 Family Night/Sundays 505.14 Closed Campus 584.10 Graduation Exercises 602.8 Curriculum Review, Development, and Assessment
Board Member Reports/Future Meetings Educational Equity Committee – 11:45 a.m., March 15, 2011, in the ESC #105.Board Policy and Human Relations Committee – 3:30p.m., March 17, 2011, in ESC #326. Board Finance and Facilities Committee – 12:00p.m., March 22, 2011, in ESC #312. Student Achievement Committee – 3:00p.m., March 24, 2011, in ESC #326. Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee – 8:00a.m., March 28, 2011, in ESC #103. District Advisory Committee – 5:15 p.m., March 31, 2011, in ESC Board Room. Preschool Initiative Committee – 1:00 p.m., April 6, 2011, at Building Blocks Preschool. Communications Committee – 4:00p.m., April 13, 2011, in ESC Board Room.
Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Linda Madison
FY-2012 Budget Discussion – Gordon Winterlin
Class Rank Formula – Dr. LuAnn Haase
I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members IV. Approval of Agenda
Good News: FueluptoPlay60 – Kelli Tuttle
Citizen Input At this time, the Board of Directors invites individuals or delegations to come forward and speak on any issues related to school district operations that are not included on tonight's meeting agenda. Citizen input on action and discussion items will be accepted at the time of discussion of each agenda item.
Consent Action Items RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves consent action items letter “A” and “B”. A. Board Meeting Minutes from February 28, 2011, the Human Resources Report, and the Finance Report. B. Building Oversight Committee Membership RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the new members to serve a three year term that will end January 1, 2014, on the Building Oversight Committee.
Hearing A. Nodland Boiler / Chiller Project – Mel McKern Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 14th day of March, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose to approve the proposed plans, specifications, and estimated cost of $416,805 for the replacement of a boiler and chiller system at Nodland Elementary School. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named sale with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the proposed plans, specifications, and estimated cost of $416,805 for the replacement of a boiler and chiller system at Nodland Elementary School.
FY-2010 Audit – Gordon Winterlin RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the FY-2010 Audit.
Title I Technology Purchases – Neil Schroeder RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the purchase of technology equipment using remaining Title I stimulus funds.
Roof Repairs, Maintenance, and Replacement Project – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolution to set a public hearing date and publish notice accordingly. A public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. CST at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 28th day of March, 2011. Plans and specs may be seen at the Purchasing Manager’s office located at the same address.
Asphalt Maintenance and Repair Project – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolution to set a public hearing date and publish notice accordingly. A public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. CST at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 28th day of March, 2011. Plans and specs may be seen at the Purchasing Manager’s office located at the same address.
Rebecca Street Reconstruction Project – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors award low bid amount of $345,942.80 to Concrete Specialty for the Rebecca Street reconstruction project.
First Reading of Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman 501.10 Truancy-Unexcused Absences 504.10 Student Injury and Illness at School AR504.10 Student Injury and Illness at School AR504.13 Head Lice 505.8 Fund Raising 505.12 Fees and Fee Waivers for Traffic Education AR505.13 Family Night/Sundays 505.14 Closed Campus 584.10 Graduation Exercises 602.8 Curriculum Review, Development, and Assessment
Board Member Reports/Future Meetings Educational Equity Committee – 11:45 a.m., March 15, 2011, in the ESC #105.Board Policy and Human Relations Committee – 3:30p.m., March 17, 2011, in ESC #326. Board Finance and Facilities Committee – 12:00p.m., March 22, 2011, in ESC #312. Student Achievement Committee – 3:00p.m., March 24, 2011, in ESC #326. Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee – 8:00a.m., March 28, 2011, in ESC #103. District Advisory Committee – 5:15 p.m., March 31, 2011, in ESC Board Room. Preschool Initiative Committee – 1:00 p.m., April 6, 2011, at Building Blocks Preschool. Communications Committee – 4:00p.m., April 13, 2011, in ESC Board Room.
Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Linda Madison
FY-2012 Budget Discussion – Gordon Winterlin
Class Rank Formula – Dr. LuAnn Haase