Special Meeting Items VI & VII
VI. Return to Open Session VII. Adjourn
I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members
IV. Approval of Agenda V. Citizen Input
Good News Report: North Middle School – Jeanene Sampson
Board Meeting Minutes from January 9, 2012, the Human Resources Report, and the Finance Report.
East High School Gymnasium Bleacher Replacement Project – Mel McKern Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 23rd day of January, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose to approve the plans, specifications, and estimated cost of $286,000, for the replacement of the East High School gymnasium bleachers. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named project with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the bid letting for the replacement of the East High School gymnasium bleachers.
Unity School Site / Plat of Survey / Detention Pond – Dr. Paul Gausman Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 23rd day of January, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose to approve the proposed conveyance to the City of Sioux City. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named deed with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the execution and delivery of the proposed Warranty Deed from the School District conveying the detention pond to the City of Sioux City.
Sale of Vacant District Property on Floyd Boulevard – Mel McKern Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 23rd day of January, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose to receive public input on the sale of vacant District property located adjacent to 1017 Floyd Boulevard, Sioux City, Iowa. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named sale with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolution of the sale of vacant District property located adjacent to 1017 Floyd Boulevard, Sioux City, Iowa, to Michael N. and Denise A. Semple in the amount of $2,000.00.
IX. Action Items A. Second and Final Reading of Board Policies - Dr. Paul Gausman - 200.2 Powers and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors - 200.6 Authority of Member - 200.8 Board Orientation - 201.1 President / Vice President - 202.1 Development of Policy - 202.2 Adoption of Policy - 202.5 Administrative Action in Absence of Policy - 202.6 Review and Revision of Policy - 481.12 Staff Access to Networked Information Resources - 501.4 Attendance Records - 501.5 Resident Students IX. Board Member Reports/Future Meetings - Board Finance and Facilities Committee - 11:45a.m., January 17, 2012, in ESC #312. - Communications Committee - 4:00 p.m., January 18, 2012, in ESC Board Room. - Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee - 8:00a.m., January 23, 2012, in ESC #103. - Board Policy and Human Resources Committee - 3:30p.m., January 26, 2012, in ESC #326. - District Advisory Committee - 5:15p.m., January 26, 2012, in ESC Board Room. - Preschool Oversight Committee - 1:00 p.m., February 1, 2012, at Irving Preschool. - Student Achievement Committee - 4:00p.m., February 8, 2012, in ESC #326. - Educational Equity Committee - 11:30 a.m., February 14, 2012, in ESC #105.
Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Paul Gausman
DINA Plan and Professional Development Plan Update – Janet Rohmiller
Sioux City Day at the Capitol – Doug Batcheller XII. Adjourn
Special Meeting Items VI & VII
VI. Return to Open Session VII. Adjourn
I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members
IV. Approval of Agenda V. Citizen Input
Good News Report: North Middle School – Jeanene Sampson
Board Meeting Minutes from January 9, 2012, the Human Resources Report, and the Finance Report.
East High School Gymnasium Bleacher Replacement Project – Mel McKern Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 23rd day of January, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose to approve the plans, specifications, and estimated cost of $286,000, for the replacement of the East High School gymnasium bleachers. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named project with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the bid letting for the replacement of the East High School gymnasium bleachers.
Unity School Site / Plat of Survey / Detention Pond – Dr. Paul Gausman Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 23rd day of January, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose to approve the proposed conveyance to the City of Sioux City. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named deed with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the execution and delivery of the proposed Warranty Deed from the School District conveying the detention pond to the City of Sioux City.
Sale of Vacant District Property on Floyd Boulevard – Mel McKern Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 23rd day of January, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose to receive public input on the sale of vacant District property located adjacent to 1017 Floyd Boulevard, Sioux City, Iowa. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named sale with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolution of the sale of vacant District property located adjacent to 1017 Floyd Boulevard, Sioux City, Iowa, to Michael N. and Denise A. Semple in the amount of $2,000.00.
IX. Action Items A. Second and Final Reading of Board Policies - Dr. Paul Gausman - 200.2 Powers and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors - 200.6 Authority of Member - 200.8 Board Orientation - 201.1 President / Vice President - 202.1 Development of Policy - 202.2 Adoption of Policy - 202.5 Administrative Action in Absence of Policy - 202.6 Review and Revision of Policy - 481.12 Staff Access to Networked Information Resources - 501.4 Attendance Records - 501.5 Resident Students IX. Board Member Reports/Future Meetings - Board Finance and Facilities Committee - 11:45a.m., January 17, 2012, in ESC #312. - Communications Committee - 4:00 p.m., January 18, 2012, in ESC Board Room. - Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee - 8:00a.m., January 23, 2012, in ESC #103. - Board Policy and Human Resources Committee - 3:30p.m., January 26, 2012, in ESC #326. - District Advisory Committee - 5:15p.m., January 26, 2012, in ESC Board Room. - Preschool Oversight Committee - 1:00 p.m., February 1, 2012, at Irving Preschool. - Student Achievement Committee - 4:00p.m., February 8, 2012, in ESC #326. - Educational Equity Committee - 11:30 a.m., February 14, 2012, in ESC #105.
Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Paul Gausman
DINA Plan and Professional Development Plan Update – Janet Rohmiller
Sioux City Day at the Capitol – Doug Batcheller XII. Adjourn