I. Call to Order II. Roll Call of Members III. Approval of Agenda IV. Approval of Closed Session RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors go into a closed session to conduct a strategy meeting of a public employer concerning employees’ collective bargaining as provided in Section 20.17 (3) of the Iowa Code. V. Adjourn to Closed Session VI. Return to Open Session VII. Adjourn
I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members
IV. Approval of Agenda V. Citizen Input
Good News Report: Roosevelt Elementary School – Darrell Langley and Cindy Bigbee
Good News Report: North High School – Dr. Stephen Aspleaf and Megan Powers
Special Presentation(s): 2013 Teacher of the Year, Yvonne Church – Dr. Paul Gausman
Consent Action Item(s) RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves consent action item letter “A”. A. Board Meeting Minutes from April 16, 2012, the Human Resources Report, and the Finance Report
Hearing(s) A. Easement with Mid-American Energy Company for the Westside Elementary School Project – Mel Mc Kern Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 30th day of April, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose of an easement with Mid-American Energy Company for the new Westside Elementary School Project. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named project with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the granting, selling, and conveying of a gas easement to Mid-American Energy Company for the new Westside Elementary School Project.
Upgrade District Two Way Radio System – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves Phase I purchase in the amount of $265,952.06, to bring the district radio system into FCC compliance before January, 2013.
Math Curriculum Adoption K-5 – Cody Rininger RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the purchase of the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt GO MATH! (2012 Common Core Edition) for grades Kindergarten-5th Grade math textbook and technology resource materials for the 2012-2013 academic year in the amount of $354,840.15.
C. Spalding Park Elementary School Furnishings, Fixtures, and Equipment – Troy Thomas RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accepts the furniture bids from School Specialty, Inc. of Appleton, WI, in the amount of $282,866.08, Office Elements of Sioux City, IA, in the amount of $62,798.77, Eakes Office Plus of Grand Island, NE, in the amount of $38,399.96, and Midwest Technology Products of Sioux City, IA, in the amount of $26,622.00, for a total amount of $410,686.81 for Spalding Park Elementary School. D. Spalding Park Elementary School Playground Equipment – Troy Thomas RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accepts the playground bid from BCI Burke Company, LLC of Fond Du Lac, WI, in the amount of $66,180.00 for Spalding Park Elementary School.
Easement with Century Link QC for Longfellow Elementary School – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolution to approve public notice setting forth the time and the place of a public hearing. A public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. local time, at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 14th day of May, 2012, for the purpose of an easement with Century Link QC for Longfellow Elementary School.
Easement with Mid-American Energy Company for Spalding Park Elementary School – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolution to approve public notice setting forth the time and the place of a public hearing. A public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. local time, at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 14th day of May, 2012, for the purpose of an easement with Mid-American Energy Company for the new Spalding Park Elementary School.
Resolution Directing the Sale of $10,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012 – Gordon Winterlin RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the Resolution Directing the Sale of $10,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012 based on the best and most favorable bid.
Benefit Plan Update – Jill Knuth RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the recommendations from the insurance committee effective 7/1/12.
First Reading of Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman -401.3 Equal Employment, Recruitment, Selection and Affirmative Action RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the above Board policy for first reading.
Board Member Reports / Future Meetings
Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Paul Gausman
Alternative Education Program Review – Carole Collins Ayanlaja
B. Student Code of Conduct – Marilyn Charging C. High School Activity Code – Jim Vanderloo
Strategic Plan Update: Student Achievement – Dr. Linda Madison
1:1 Laptop Survey and Way Ahead – Neil Schroeder
F. Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman - 200.7 Code of Ethics of the Board - AR200.7 Code of Ethics - 203.8 Conflict of Interest of Board Members - 504.4 Anti-Harassment / Bullying - AR504.4 Anti-Harassment / Bullying - 504.15 Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco-Free Schools - AR504.15 Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco-Free Schools - 604.7 Media Centers XIV. Adjourn
I. Call to Order II. Roll Call of Members III. Approval of Agenda IV. Approval of Closed Session RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors go into a closed session to conduct a strategy meeting of a public employer concerning employees’ collective bargaining as provided in Section 20.17 (3) of the Iowa Code. V. Adjourn to Closed Session VI. Return to Open Session VII. Adjourn
I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members
IV. Approval of Agenda V. Citizen Input
Good News Report: Roosevelt Elementary School – Darrell Langley and Cindy Bigbee
Good News Report: North High School – Dr. Stephen Aspleaf and Megan Powers
Special Presentation(s): 2013 Teacher of the Year, Yvonne Church – Dr. Paul Gausman
Consent Action Item(s) RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves consent action item letter “A”. A. Board Meeting Minutes from April 16, 2012, the Human Resources Report, and the Finance Report
Hearing(s) A. Easement with Mid-American Energy Company for the Westside Elementary School Project – Mel Mc Kern Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 30th day of April, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose of an easement with Mid-American Energy Company for the new Westside Elementary School Project. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named project with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the granting, selling, and conveying of a gas easement to Mid-American Energy Company for the new Westside Elementary School Project.
Upgrade District Two Way Radio System – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves Phase I purchase in the amount of $265,952.06, to bring the district radio system into FCC compliance before January, 2013.
Math Curriculum Adoption K-5 – Cody Rininger RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the purchase of the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt GO MATH! (2012 Common Core Edition) for grades Kindergarten-5th Grade math textbook and technology resource materials for the 2012-2013 academic year in the amount of $354,840.15.
C. Spalding Park Elementary School Furnishings, Fixtures, and Equipment – Troy Thomas RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accepts the furniture bids from School Specialty, Inc. of Appleton, WI, in the amount of $282,866.08, Office Elements of Sioux City, IA, in the amount of $62,798.77, Eakes Office Plus of Grand Island, NE, in the amount of $38,399.96, and Midwest Technology Products of Sioux City, IA, in the amount of $26,622.00, for a total amount of $410,686.81 for Spalding Park Elementary School. D. Spalding Park Elementary School Playground Equipment – Troy Thomas RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accepts the playground bid from BCI Burke Company, LLC of Fond Du Lac, WI, in the amount of $66,180.00 for Spalding Park Elementary School.
Easement with Century Link QC for Longfellow Elementary School – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolution to approve public notice setting forth the time and the place of a public hearing. A public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. local time, at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 14th day of May, 2012, for the purpose of an easement with Century Link QC for Longfellow Elementary School.
Easement with Mid-American Energy Company for Spalding Park Elementary School – Mel McKern RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolution to approve public notice setting forth the time and the place of a public hearing. A public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. local time, at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 14th day of May, 2012, for the purpose of an easement with Mid-American Energy Company for the new Spalding Park Elementary School.
Resolution Directing the Sale of $10,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012 – Gordon Winterlin RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the Resolution Directing the Sale of $10,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012 based on the best and most favorable bid.
Benefit Plan Update – Jill Knuth RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the recommendations from the insurance committee effective 7/1/12.
First Reading of Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman -401.3 Equal Employment, Recruitment, Selection and Affirmative Action RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the above Board policy for first reading.
Board Member Reports / Future Meetings
Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Paul Gausman
Alternative Education Program Review – Carole Collins Ayanlaja
B. Student Code of Conduct – Marilyn Charging C. High School Activity Code – Jim Vanderloo
Strategic Plan Update: Student Achievement – Dr. Linda Madison
1:1 Laptop Survey and Way Ahead – Neil Schroeder
F. Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman - 200.7 Code of Ethics of the Board - AR200.7 Code of Ethics - 203.8 Conflict of Interest of Board Members - 504.4 Anti-Harassment / Bullying - AR504.4 Anti-Harassment / Bullying - 504.15 Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco-Free Schools - AR504.15 Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco-Free Schools - 604.7 Media Centers XIV. Adjourn