I. Call to Order II. Roll Call of Members III. Approval of Agenda IV. Approval of Closed Session RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors go into a closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. V. Adjourn Closed Session VI. Return to Open Session VII. Adjourn
I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members
Approval of Agenda
At this time, the Board of Directors invites individuals or delegations to come forward and speak on any issues related to school district operations that are not included on today’s meeting agenda. Citizen input on action and discussion items will be accepted at the time of discussion of each agenda item.
District Advisory Committee Annual Report – Kathy Perret, Chair
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves consent action items letters “A” through “E”. A. Board Meeting Minutes from May 14, 2012, the Human Resources Report, and the Finance Report B. YouthBuild Contract – Jim Vanderloo C. Ratification of Master Contracts – Jill Knuth D. 1:1 Lease Approval – Neil Schroeder E. High School Gym Advertising Contract – Gordon Winterlin
Early Start Calendar Waiver – Jill Knuth Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 11th day of June, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose to receive public input on our request for an early start waiver for the 2012-13 school year. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named waiver with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the District’s request for an early start calendar waiver for the 2012-13 school year.
Resolution to Sell District Real Estate (Central Campus) – Gordon Winterlin Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 11th day of June, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose of selling real property with a locally known address of 1121 Jackson Street, Sioux City, Iowa. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named sale with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors passes a resolution to sell District owned real property with a locally known address of 1121 Jackson Street, Sioux City, Iowa, for a purchase price of $50,000.
West High School Welding Hoods – Troy Thomas RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accepts the low bid from Tessier’s Inc., of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in the amount of $69,915.00.
Spalding Park Elementary School Playground Equipment – Troy Thomas RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accepts the playground equipment bid from Boland Recreation of Marshalltown, Iowa, in the amount of $64,745.00.
District’s Future Facilities Plan: Hoover Campus – Dr. Paul Gausman RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorizes the administration to move forward to develop a concept plan for Hoover Campus for a replacement school which may include Lincoln, Clark, Crescent Park, and a portion of Bryant Elementary Schools.
Washington Elementary School Project – Dr. Paul Gausman RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorizes the administration to: - Develop a site plan for renovation / new construction of Washington Elementary School. - Commence negotiations for the acquisition of properties which may be necessary for this project. - This project will not include the closure of Whittier Elementary School.
Second and Final Reading of Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman - 200.7 Code of Ethics of the Board - AR200.7 Code of Ethics - 203.8 Conflict of Interest of Board Members - 401.3 Equal Employment, Recruitment, Selection and Affirmative Action - 504.4 Anti-Harassment / Bullying - AR504.4 Anti-Harassment / Bullying - 504.15 Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco-Free Schools - AR504.15 Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco-Free Schools - 604.7 Media Centers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the above Board policies for second and final reading.
First Reading of Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman - 581.12 Computer Networks Acceptable Use Policy - 801.3 Post-Issuance Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt Obligations RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the above Board policies for first reading.
Board Member Reports / Future Meetings - Preschool Initiative Committee – 1:00 p.m., June 14, 2012, at Irving Preschool. - Board Finance and Facilities Committee – 11:45a.m., June 19, 2012, - Student Achievement Committee: 4:00p.m., June 20, 2012, in ESC #326. - Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee: 8:00a.m., June 25, 2012, in ESC #103. - Board Policy and Human Resources Committee – 3:30p.m., August 23, 2012, in ESC #326.
Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Paul Gausman
High School Activities Program Review – Jim Vanderloo
Iowa Assessments Presentation – Carole Collins Ayanlaja
XII. Discussion / Information C. Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman - 504.1 Nutrition and Physical Activity Wellness in the Schools - AR504.1 Nutrition and Physical Activity Wellness in the Schools - 505.19 Student Directory Information - 901.5 Educational Specification for Buildings - 901.6 Educational Site Development - 902.1 Maintenance Schedule - AR903.10 Hazardous Chemical Program XIII. Adjourn
I. Call to Order II. Roll Call of Members III. Approval of Agenda IV. Approval of Closed Session RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors go into a closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. V. Adjourn Closed Session VI. Return to Open Session VII. Adjourn
I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members
Approval of Agenda
At this time, the Board of Directors invites individuals or delegations to come forward and speak on any issues related to school district operations that are not included on today’s meeting agenda. Citizen input on action and discussion items will be accepted at the time of discussion of each agenda item.
District Advisory Committee Annual Report – Kathy Perret, Chair
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves consent action items letters “A” through “E”. A. Board Meeting Minutes from May 14, 2012, the Human Resources Report, and the Finance Report B. YouthBuild Contract – Jim Vanderloo C. Ratification of Master Contracts – Jill Knuth D. 1:1 Lease Approval – Neil Schroeder E. High School Gym Advertising Contract – Gordon Winterlin
Early Start Calendar Waiver – Jill Knuth Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 11th day of June, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose to receive public input on our request for an early start waiver for the 2012-13 school year. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named waiver with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the District’s request for an early start calendar waiver for the 2012-13 school year.
Resolution to Sell District Real Estate (Central Campus) – Gordon Winterlin Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at the Sioux City Community School District’s School Board meeting on the 11th day of June, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. local time, for the purpose of selling real property with a locally known address of 1121 Jackson Street, Sioux City, Iowa. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named sale with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors passes a resolution to sell District owned real property with a locally known address of 1121 Jackson Street, Sioux City, Iowa, for a purchase price of $50,000.
West High School Welding Hoods – Troy Thomas RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accepts the low bid from Tessier’s Inc., of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in the amount of $69,915.00.
Spalding Park Elementary School Playground Equipment – Troy Thomas RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accepts the playground equipment bid from Boland Recreation of Marshalltown, Iowa, in the amount of $64,745.00.
District’s Future Facilities Plan: Hoover Campus – Dr. Paul Gausman RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorizes the administration to move forward to develop a concept plan for Hoover Campus for a replacement school which may include Lincoln, Clark, Crescent Park, and a portion of Bryant Elementary Schools.
Washington Elementary School Project – Dr. Paul Gausman RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorizes the administration to: - Develop a site plan for renovation / new construction of Washington Elementary School. - Commence negotiations for the acquisition of properties which may be necessary for this project. - This project will not include the closure of Whittier Elementary School.
Second and Final Reading of Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman - 200.7 Code of Ethics of the Board - AR200.7 Code of Ethics - 203.8 Conflict of Interest of Board Members - 401.3 Equal Employment, Recruitment, Selection and Affirmative Action - 504.4 Anti-Harassment / Bullying - AR504.4 Anti-Harassment / Bullying - 504.15 Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco-Free Schools - AR504.15 Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco-Free Schools - 604.7 Media Centers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the above Board policies for second and final reading.
First Reading of Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman - 581.12 Computer Networks Acceptable Use Policy - 801.3 Post-Issuance Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt Obligations RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the above Board policies for first reading.
Board Member Reports / Future Meetings - Preschool Initiative Committee – 1:00 p.m., June 14, 2012, at Irving Preschool. - Board Finance and Facilities Committee – 11:45a.m., June 19, 2012, - Student Achievement Committee: 4:00p.m., June 20, 2012, in ESC #326. - Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee: 8:00a.m., June 25, 2012, in ESC #103. - Board Policy and Human Resources Committee – 3:30p.m., August 23, 2012, in ESC #326.
Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Paul Gausman
High School Activities Program Review – Jim Vanderloo
Iowa Assessments Presentation – Carole Collins Ayanlaja
XII. Discussion / Information C. Board Policies – Dr. Paul Gausman - 504.1 Nutrition and Physical Activity Wellness in the Schools - AR504.1 Nutrition and Physical Activity Wellness in the Schools - 505.19 Student Directory Information - 901.5 Educational Specification for Buildings - 901.6 Educational Site Development - 902.1 Maintenance Schedule - AR903.10 Hazardous Chemical Program XIII. Adjourn