I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members
Approval of Agenda
Citizen Input
Year 13 - Nicole Scott and Courtney Lahrs
Consent Action Items VII.A - VII.F
Easement with City of Sioux City for Clark Elementary School - Mel McKern
First Reading of Board Policies - Dr. Paul Gausman
Heartland Community Baptist Church Lease at West High School - Mel McKern
Board Member Reports / Future Meetings
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Paul Gausman
Career Pathways - Jim Vanderloo
B. District Mileage Rate - Neil Schroeder and Gordon Winterlin XIII. Adjourn
I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members
Approval of Agenda
Citizen Input
Year 13 - Nicole Scott and Courtney Lahrs
Consent Action Items VII.A - VII.F
Easement with City of Sioux City for Clark Elementary School - Mel McKern
First Reading of Board Policies - Dr. Paul Gausman
Heartland Community Baptist Church Lease at West High School - Mel McKern
Board Member Reports / Future Meetings
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Paul Gausman
Career Pathways - Jim Vanderloo
B. District Mileage Rate - Neil Schroeder and Gordon Winterlin XIII. Adjourn