I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members IV. Approval of Agenda
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves all consent action items. A. Board Meeting Minutes from April 25, 2016 - Dr. Paul Gausman B. Human Resources Report - Dr. Rita Vannatta C. Finance Report(s) - Dr. John Chalstrom D. Innovative Early Elementary Grant for At-Risk Students - Brian Burnight E. Employee Assistance Program Contract Renewal - Dr. Rita Vannatta
Hearing(s) A. Title VII Indian Education Grant Application - Jen Gomez Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at 6:00 p.m., local time, at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 9th day of May, 2016, for the purpose to receive public input on the District’s Title VII Indian Education Grant Application. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named grant application with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the District’s request to apply for a Title VII Indian Education Grant.
Board Member Reports / Future Meetings Ø District Retirement Dinner – 5:30 p.m., May 11, 2016, at Leeds Elementary School. Ø District Advisory Committee Meeting – 5:15 p.m., May 12, 2016, ESC Board Room. Ø Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee – 8:00 a.m., May 23, 2016, ESC Board Room. Ø West High School Commencement – 7:00 p.m., May 23, 2016, at Tyson Events Center. Ø East High School Commencement – 7:00 p.m., May 24, 2016, at Tyson Events Center. Ø North High School Commencement – 7:00 p.m., May 25, 2016, at Tyson Events Center. Ø Student Achievement Committee – 1:30 p.m., June 6, 2016, ESC Board Room. Ø Board Policy Committee – 4:30 p.m., June 6, 2016, ESC Board Room. Ø Regular School Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m., June 13, 2016, ESC Board Room. Ø Regular School Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m., June 27, 2016, ESC Board Room.
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Paul Gausman
Items of Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action A. First Reading of Board Policies - Dr. Paul Gausman § 400 Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Regulation § 401.3 Equal Employment, Recruitment, Selection and Affirmative Action § 505.13 Family Night / Sundays & Wednesdays § 709 Transporting Students in Private Vehicles § 803.2 Purchasing § 809 Insurance Program § 851.1 Medicaid Claiming § 1027 Public Conduct on School Premises RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the above Board policies for first reading.
Strategic Plan Update: Fiscal Accountability - Dr. John Chalstrom RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors acknowledges the update to the Fiscal Accountability priority area of the District’s Strategic Plan.
Annual Roof Repairs, Maintenance, and Replacement Project - Brian Fahrendholz RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accepts the low bid for North High School from Guarantee Roofing and Siding Company, LLC of Sioux City, Iowa, in the amount of $249,895.00, and accepts the low bids for Nodland Elementary School and the Educational Service Center from Winkler Roofing, Inc. from Sioux City, Iowa, in the amount of $38,100.00 and $35,100.00 for a total bid award of $73,200.00
Career Academies Program Review - Jim Vanderloo and Alison Benson RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors acknowledges the Career Academies Program Review as presented.
2016-17 School Fees - Dr. John Chalstrom RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the 2016-2017 School Fees as presented.
West High School Athletic Track Restoration Project - Brian Fahrendholz RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves and awards Midwest Tennis and Track Company of Denison, Iowa, the bid amount of $76,500.00 for the District’s West High School Athletic Track Restoration Project.
G. Acceptance of Tentative Agreement Between SCEA and the SCCSD – Dr. Rita Vannatta RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the recommendation by the administration to accept the agreement between the Sioux City Education Association (SCEA) and the Sioux City Community School District (SCCSD).
H. Acceptance of Tentative Agreement Between SCESPA and the SCCSD – Dr. Rita Vannatta RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the recommendation by the administration to accept the agreement between the Sioux City Educational Support Personnel Association (SCESPA) and the Sioux City Community School District (SCCSD). XI. Adjourn
I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members IV. Approval of Agenda
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves all consent action items. A. Board Meeting Minutes from April 25, 2016 - Dr. Paul Gausman B. Human Resources Report - Dr. Rita Vannatta C. Finance Report(s) - Dr. John Chalstrom D. Innovative Early Elementary Grant for At-Risk Students - Brian Burnight E. Employee Assistance Program Contract Renewal - Dr. Rita Vannatta
Hearing(s) A. Title VII Indian Education Grant Application - Jen Gomez Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at 6:00 p.m., local time, at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 9th day of May, 2016, for the purpose to receive public input on the District’s Title VII Indian Education Grant Application. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named grant application with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the District’s request to apply for a Title VII Indian Education Grant.
Board Member Reports / Future Meetings Ø District Retirement Dinner – 5:30 p.m., May 11, 2016, at Leeds Elementary School. Ø District Advisory Committee Meeting – 5:15 p.m., May 12, 2016, ESC Board Room. Ø Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee – 8:00 a.m., May 23, 2016, ESC Board Room. Ø West High School Commencement – 7:00 p.m., May 23, 2016, at Tyson Events Center. Ø East High School Commencement – 7:00 p.m., May 24, 2016, at Tyson Events Center. Ø North High School Commencement – 7:00 p.m., May 25, 2016, at Tyson Events Center. Ø Student Achievement Committee – 1:30 p.m., June 6, 2016, ESC Board Room. Ø Board Policy Committee – 4:30 p.m., June 6, 2016, ESC Board Room. Ø Regular School Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m., June 13, 2016, ESC Board Room. Ø Regular School Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m., June 27, 2016, ESC Board Room.
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Paul Gausman
Items of Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action A. First Reading of Board Policies - Dr. Paul Gausman § 400 Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Regulation § 401.3 Equal Employment, Recruitment, Selection and Affirmative Action § 505.13 Family Night / Sundays & Wednesdays § 709 Transporting Students in Private Vehicles § 803.2 Purchasing § 809 Insurance Program § 851.1 Medicaid Claiming § 1027 Public Conduct on School Premises RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the above Board policies for first reading.
Strategic Plan Update: Fiscal Accountability - Dr. John Chalstrom RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors acknowledges the update to the Fiscal Accountability priority area of the District’s Strategic Plan.
Annual Roof Repairs, Maintenance, and Replacement Project - Brian Fahrendholz RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accepts the low bid for North High School from Guarantee Roofing and Siding Company, LLC of Sioux City, Iowa, in the amount of $249,895.00, and accepts the low bids for Nodland Elementary School and the Educational Service Center from Winkler Roofing, Inc. from Sioux City, Iowa, in the amount of $38,100.00 and $35,100.00 for a total bid award of $73,200.00
Career Academies Program Review - Jim Vanderloo and Alison Benson RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors acknowledges the Career Academies Program Review as presented.
2016-17 School Fees - Dr. John Chalstrom RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the 2016-2017 School Fees as presented.
West High School Athletic Track Restoration Project - Brian Fahrendholz RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves and awards Midwest Tennis and Track Company of Denison, Iowa, the bid amount of $76,500.00 for the District’s West High School Athletic Track Restoration Project.
G. Acceptance of Tentative Agreement Between SCEA and the SCCSD – Dr. Rita Vannatta RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the recommendation by the administration to accept the agreement between the Sioux City Education Association (SCEA) and the Sioux City Community School District (SCCSD).
H. Acceptance of Tentative Agreement Between SCESPA and the SCCSD – Dr. Rita Vannatta RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the recommendation by the administration to accept the agreement between the Sioux City Educational Support Personnel Association (SCESPA) and the Sioux City Community School District (SCCSD). XI. Adjourn