***Due to local technical difficulties this portion of the meeting is missing audio*** I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members IV. Approval of Agenda V. Good News Report(s) A. Perry Creek Elementary School - Amy Denney VI. Friend of Education Award(s) A. Deborah Reed, Iowa Reading Research Center - Dr. Paul Gausman and Dr. Kim Buryanek VII. Citizen Input At this time, the Board of Directors invites individuals or delegations to come forward and speak on any issues related to school district operations that are not included on today's meeting agenda. Citizen input on action and discussion items will be accepted at the time of discussion of each agenda item. VIII. Consent Agenda RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves all consent action items. A. Board Meeting Minutes from February 27, 2017 - Dr. Paul Gausman B. Human Resources Report - Dr. Rita Vannatta C. Finance Report(s) - Dr. Paul Gausman and Sherri Jones
Hearing(s) FY18 Annual Roof Repairs, Maintenance, and Replacement Projects – Brian Fahrendholz Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at 6:00 p.m., local time, at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 13th day of March, 2017, to approve the plans, specifications, and estimated total cost of $285,795.00, including architectural fees, for the District’s FY18 Annual Roof Repairs, Maintenance, and Replacement Projects. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named projects with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the bid letting for the District’s FY18 Annual Roof Repairs, Maintenance, and Replacement Projects
Board Member Reports / Future Meetings - Chamber Day at the Capitol – All Day Event, March 15, 2017, Des Moines, Iowa. - Education Legislative Forum – 8:30 a.m., March 18, 2017, ESC Board Room. - Student Achievement Committee – Noon, March 20, 2017, ESC Board Room. - Board Policy Committee – 3:00 p.m., March 20, 2017, ESC Board Room. - Preschool Initiative Committee – 1:30 p.m., March 21, 2017, Irving Preschool. - Board Finance & Facilities Committee – 3:00 p.m., March 21, 2017, ESC Board Room. - NSBA Conference – All Day Event, March 24 – March 27, 2017, Denver, CO. - Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee – 8:00 a.m., March 28, 2017, ESC Board Room. - Regular School Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m., March 28, 2017, ESC Board Room. - District Advisory Committee – 5:15 p.m., March 30, 2017, ESC Board Room.
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Paul Gausman
Items of Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action A. Second and Final Reading of Board Policies - Dr. Paul Gausman - 502.9 Weapons Free Schools - 503.5 Title I Parent Involvement - 504.15 Drug / Alcohol / Tobacco / Nicotine-Free Schools - 581.12 Computer Networks Acceptance Use Policy - 604.5 Testing Program RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the above Board policies for second and final reading.
$3,671,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2017B - Dr. Paul Gausman · Resolution Directing the Sale of $3,671,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2017B. · Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement and Authorizing the Execution of the Same. · Approval of Tax Exemption Certificate. · Resolution Authorizing the Terms of Issuance and Providing for the Securing the Payment of School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolutions and documents.
Benefit Plan Update - Dr. Rita Vannatta RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the recommendations from the insurance committee to be effective 7/1/2017.
Bryant Elementary School BP3 Construction Project - Brian Fahrendholz RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors rejects all bids for the Bryant Elementary School Bid Package 3 Construction Project.
North High School Parking Lot Improvement Project / Phase I - Brian Fahrendholz RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors awards HCI Construction of South Sioux City, Nebraska the low bid of $172,907.11 for the North High School Parking Lot Improvement Project / Phase I.
Resolution Urging Congress to Protect DACA Recipients - President Krysl RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves Resolution Urging Congress to Protect DACA Recipients.
FY18 Budget Adjustment (Guarantee) Resolution - Dr. Paul Gausman RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Sioux City Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2017-2018 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14 of the Iowa Code.
H. FY18 Budget - Final Examination of all Funds - Dr. Paul Gausman RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors acknowledges the data and information as presented, and allow for publication of the District’s FY18 budget and to set an April 10, 2017 hearing date. XIII. Adjourn
***Due to local technical difficulties this portion of the meeting is missing audio*** I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members IV. Approval of Agenda V. Good News Report(s) A. Perry Creek Elementary School - Amy Denney VI. Friend of Education Award(s) A. Deborah Reed, Iowa Reading Research Center - Dr. Paul Gausman and Dr. Kim Buryanek VII. Citizen Input At this time, the Board of Directors invites individuals or delegations to come forward and speak on any issues related to school district operations that are not included on today's meeting agenda. Citizen input on action and discussion items will be accepted at the time of discussion of each agenda item. VIII. Consent Agenda RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves all consent action items. A. Board Meeting Minutes from February 27, 2017 - Dr. Paul Gausman B. Human Resources Report - Dr. Rita Vannatta C. Finance Report(s) - Dr. Paul Gausman and Sherri Jones
Hearing(s) FY18 Annual Roof Repairs, Maintenance, and Replacement Projects – Brian Fahrendholz Notice was provided that a hearing would be held at 6:00 p.m., local time, at the Educational Service Center, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on the 13th day of March, 2017, to approve the plans, specifications, and estimated total cost of $285,795.00, including architectural fees, for the District’s FY18 Annual Roof Repairs, Maintenance, and Replacement Projects. Any interested party may appear and file objections and any information for or against same will be heard on the above-named projects with the final decision of the Board of Education a matter of record. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the bid letting for the District’s FY18 Annual Roof Repairs, Maintenance, and Replacement Projects
Board Member Reports / Future Meetings - Chamber Day at the Capitol – All Day Event, March 15, 2017, Des Moines, Iowa. - Education Legislative Forum – 8:30 a.m., March 18, 2017, ESC Board Room. - Student Achievement Committee – Noon, March 20, 2017, ESC Board Room. - Board Policy Committee – 3:00 p.m., March 20, 2017, ESC Board Room. - Preschool Initiative Committee – 1:30 p.m., March 21, 2017, Irving Preschool. - Board Finance & Facilities Committee – 3:00 p.m., March 21, 2017, ESC Board Room. - NSBA Conference – All Day Event, March 24 – March 27, 2017, Denver, CO. - Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee – 8:00 a.m., March 28, 2017, ESC Board Room. - Regular School Board Meeting – 6:00 p.m., March 28, 2017, ESC Board Room. - District Advisory Committee – 5:15 p.m., March 30, 2017, ESC Board Room.
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Paul Gausman
Items of Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action A. Second and Final Reading of Board Policies - Dr. Paul Gausman - 502.9 Weapons Free Schools - 503.5 Title I Parent Involvement - 504.15 Drug / Alcohol / Tobacco / Nicotine-Free Schools - 581.12 Computer Networks Acceptance Use Policy - 604.5 Testing Program RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the above Board policies for second and final reading.
$3,671,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2017B - Dr. Paul Gausman · Resolution Directing the Sale of $3,671,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2017B. · Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement and Authorizing the Execution of the Same. · Approval of Tax Exemption Certificate. · Resolution Authorizing the Terms of Issuance and Providing for the Securing the Payment of School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the resolutions and documents.
Benefit Plan Update - Dr. Rita Vannatta RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves the recommendations from the insurance committee to be effective 7/1/2017.
Bryant Elementary School BP3 Construction Project - Brian Fahrendholz RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors rejects all bids for the Bryant Elementary School Bid Package 3 Construction Project.
North High School Parking Lot Improvement Project / Phase I - Brian Fahrendholz RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors awards HCI Construction of South Sioux City, Nebraska the low bid of $172,907.11 for the North High School Parking Lot Improvement Project / Phase I.
Resolution Urging Congress to Protect DACA Recipients - President Krysl RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approves Resolution Urging Congress to Protect DACA Recipients.
FY18 Budget Adjustment (Guarantee) Resolution - Dr. Paul Gausman RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Sioux City Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2017-2018 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14 of the Iowa Code.
H. FY18 Budget - Final Examination of all Funds - Dr. Paul Gausman RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors acknowledges the data and information as presented, and allow for publication of the District’s FY18 budget and to set an April 10, 2017 hearing date. XIII. Adjourn