Call to Order
Overview of the Sales Tax for school infrastructure program to date - Gordon Winteriin a. Funding from the beginning to today b. Projects currently underway c. Funding going forward
Overview of the Hoover project from beginning to today - Dr. Paul Gausman a. Decision to create school for Hoover campus at this time 1. Board's direction to move forward 2. Potential short term placement of Bryant Elementary School students 3. Decision to include Clark Elementary School as a part of comprehensive campus b. Bid Package #1 - Mel McKern 1. Site demolition 2. Country Club Boulevard street reconstruction along school property c. Bid Package #2 / Bid Package #3 Site Development / Geothermal Well - Bryan Wells d. Bid Package #4 / General Building Construction - Ken Wictor
Clark Redesign a. Bid Package #2.1 / Clark Parking Lot and Drive - Mel McKern and Bryan Wells b. Bid Package #4.1 / Clark Windows and Air Conditioning - Mel McKern
Additional Point of Egress from Hoover - Dr. Paul Gausman and Bryan Wells a. Design b. Budget c. Feedback from Engineers - Bryan Wells and Tony Boes d. Feedback from Building Oversight Committee - Paul Stensland e. Feedback from Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee - Steve Corrie f. Administrative recommendation
Board Discussion, Questions, and Consensus Direction
Call to Order
Overview of the Sales Tax for school infrastructure program to date - Gordon Winteriin a. Funding from the beginning to today b. Projects currently underway c. Funding going forward
Overview of the Hoover project from beginning to today - Dr. Paul Gausman a. Decision to create school for Hoover campus at this time 1. Board's direction to move forward 2. Potential short term placement of Bryant Elementary School students 3. Decision to include Clark Elementary School as a part of comprehensive campus b. Bid Package #1 - Mel McKern 1. Site demolition 2. Country Club Boulevard street reconstruction along school property c. Bid Package #2 / Bid Package #3 Site Development / Geothermal Well - Bryan Wells d. Bid Package #4 / General Building Construction - Ken Wictor
Clark Redesign a. Bid Package #2.1 / Clark Parking Lot and Drive - Mel McKern and Bryan Wells b. Bid Package #4.1 / Clark Windows and Air Conditioning - Mel McKern
Additional Point of Egress from Hoover - Dr. Paul Gausman and Bryan Wells a. Design b. Budget c. Feedback from Engineers - Bryan Wells and Tony Boes d. Feedback from Building Oversight Committee - Paul Stensland e. Feedback from Sales Tax Finance Oversight Committee - Steve Corrie f. Administrative recommendation
Board Discussion, Questions, and Consensus Direction